“Get Off Your Fucking Phone And Read.”
My husband is good at calling out my bullshit…
“Get off your fucking phone and read.”
My husband uses his phone to take a snap of me doing the complete opposite to highlight his point.
I’m off on a weeks break. I need to get offline, rest and read. I’ve read 3 books in January. One’s about real people and challenge. No business or mindset guru books.
There is an expert on everything now. Each will give you their way to do something. But really it is the same way as everyone else is doing it. There is nothing new.
I’m bored like the people who come to me in their life and work. I work hard to try and not fall into that space of self-help BS. It does happen. It’s really fucking hard.
My husband only reads books on history. The lessons in life and business he gives me from his insights are far more valuable than some of the shit online from gurus.
They are tough reads. I pick them up and feel a bit thick if I’m honest. But I’m giving his book on The Medici a read on my break. I’ll learn valuable lessons from the rise and fall of one of history’s ambitious banking families.
If January has left you feeling a bit meh do your research on yourself and trust your gut. We are the best consultants in the house on ourselves. No piece of expert advice can change that.
Have a good month ahead.