Self Truth Decay
If we delay our truth, we decay our truth
‘Truth decay’ is a phrase used to describe diminishing facts and analysis.
It is similar to terms like fake and alternative news and evident in the rise of fake science, fake followers, fake likes, fake profiles and the rhetoric pushed by some who participate in fact and reality avoidance. The displacement of reason and rationality by emotion, dopamine addiction and the need for a sense of impact and influence while engaging others in a single lie to deceive. Language corrosion and devaluing of truth are evident everywhere, even more so here on social media, and quite frankly, I am witnessing it here on Medium and my Substack to fuel agendas, which is disappointing.
However, all we have is our truth, subjective, objective, constructive reflective, and we are entitled to that once we are careful not to enforce it on others. And so I just wanted to share a random reflective tangent with you all today in light of a recent read, The Death of Truth by Michiko Kakutani.
The term ‘ Truth decay’ made me reflect and consider myself in this perspective and light.
What about my self-truth decay?
Where have I eradicated my truth and ran away from it in the past?
What truths am I running away from now?
Where have I corroded my truth with my words and language when speaking to myself?
Where have I been deceiving myself, displacing reason, realignment and refinement with emotional overruling?
What personal assaults on my truth exist?
How have I devalued my truth?
What is the value of my truth?
What does it give me?
You see, the truth ( my truth, that is) is that we can’t save anyone, let alone ourselves unless we are willing to participate in our reality even when it hurts to rescue ourselves.
What will you do to honour your truth and rescue yourself?
Reading this post is a start for reflection.
There is no such thing as harmless disinformation in the data and evidence you support your truth about your whole self’s mental, physical and emotional health. Get all the strength-driven emotive evidence you can within you, as I know from experience that putting your trust in your internal fake news, and falsehoods can have dire consequences — emotional and physical burnout.
Been there, done that.
If we delay our truth, we decay our truth.
Stay aligned.
Take what you need and leave what you do not.
Keep considering your soul.
PS: I write as part of my life’s work but do not have any notions about making a full-time career or living from this publication. Still, I do value my work as many others do also, and therefore, I would kindly ask if you find my writing of value and have any spare financial means to consider one of the following options:
Pledge your support for my publication on Substack
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Thank you for reading and supporting my work and writing.